

Unlock creative thinking and channel flow

Ignite creative thinking

I create and offer a variety of workshops targeted at motivating participants to find their inner creativity, develop a creative practice specific to their art and personality, and honor their spirit by building a daily creative practice.

Workshops delivered include:

  • International Coach Federation Converge Conference, Prague, Czeck Republic
  • Southern Oregon Creativity Conference, Oregon, USA World Coaching Congress, Mumbai, India
  • International Coach Federation Converge Conference, Washington DC, USA
  • Creative Rehab, Bali, Indonesia
  • Creative Rehab, Venice, Italy
  • Emirates Airlines Festival of Literature, Dubai, UAE
  • TEDx, Sorbonne Abu Dhabi and UAE University, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, UAE

Want more info? GET IN touch!

Creativity coaching

Personalized support to boost your creativity

Express your true self

    If you are a practicing or an aspiring creative,
    and are feeling stuck, demotivated or struggling to build a regular
    practice, then creativity coaching is for you. As your coach, I help you
    understand your identity as an artist, find the modes of expression
    that are most true to you, help you build the courage and motivation to
    create fearlessly, and bring together the tools and discipline that will
    have you turning your creative interest into a regular, and fulfilling
    art practice.

      What you can do with coaching?

      • Explore your life purpose and your creative triggers.
      • Give a voice to your dreams and your creative self.
      • Overcome hurdles that may be slowing your life down.
      • Subdue negative self-talk and conquer criticism (creative or otherwise).
      • Discover and defeat the habits that may be holding you back.
      • Fight the big four fears (judgment, success, failure, the unknown).
      • Gain the courage to fully inhabit your humanity!

      Want to get creative inspiration for free?

      Sign up for a monthly shot of creative thinking, inspiration and secrets to sustained productivity.